16,500 cases awaiting processing or already in the research and litigation process
"Euro-Islamic Institute of Genocide" started its activity in November 2056. For 4 years of the Institute's existence it was possible to launch more than two thousand trials in all caliphates of the Euro-Islamic Union.

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History of the formation
of the Euro-Islamic Union
2021. Migration crisis
The beginning of the migration crisis
on the Polish-Belarusian border. The beginning of the migration crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border. Increasing tension on the border territories of the European Union and Eastern bloc countries
2026. Narva
A turning point in the escalation of the migration crisis is the events
in the Narva region (former Estonia).

Some 4,000 people died in the Narva massacre,

but politicians and the media ignored the event for fear of riots.

The wave of withdrawal
from the EU
After the first Islamic uprisings in May 2031, a wave of protests against the European Parliament government took place in Brussels, Paris, Berlin and other European Union cities, gathering some 4 million citizens and non-citizens of the European Union.
Radical changes in the legislation of the countries of the former European Union. The Benelux countries announced their early withdrawal from the European Union, as well as their withdrawal from the Schengen area.
Mass flows of refugees were violently repelled from the eastern border. Baltic border guards fired weapons, often resulting in mass shootings of refugees approaching the border.
The Eastern European right needed aid and military support, but some Eastern European countries ignored issues of collective responsibility and participation.
Muslim brotherhood
party and elections
Muslim brotherhood party declares nomination for the upcoming elections. Islamic Brotherhood rule from 2031 - 2056.
The first Islamic revolution was very violent, but thanks to the measures temporarily taken, the Muslim Brotherhood managed to keep the EU within the 2031 borders and not allow any member state to withdraw.
Muslim brotherhood
party and elections
party and elections
November 2056.
"Euro-Islamic Institute of Genocide" started its activity
After the party was denied admission, a wave of revolutions broke out across Europe. The first political formations were founded, which soon became the basis of the Euro-Islamic Union. Shortly thereafter, the Euro-Islamic Union Foundation for Science and Development was established.
Мoslemi õed on vastu
Naiste, nii moslemite, kui ka mittemoslemite õiguste piiramisele
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Sellele, et naised ei saa vara pärida
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Keelule enda teenitud raha ise kasutada
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Keelule iseseisvalt endale partner valida
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Keelule ise lahutusprotsess algatada
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Keelule kohtuvaidlusi alustada
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On vastu
Hidžaabi kandmise kohustusele
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Kõikide moslemite ja mittemoslemite võrdsust
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العدالة ستصل إلى الجميع

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